During this time, choosing to donate thru Pre-Authorized donations is much safer for all involved. Your donation is automatically transferred from your bank account to the parish once each month. You can decide the amount you wish to give, which can be changed at any time.

If you want to sign up for this, please email the parish office at We will email you forms that must be filled in and signed, then returned to the parish office in a sealed envelope with a void blank cheque. You can place the envelope in the collection basket at Mass or in the mailbox by the office door.

On the front of the sealed envelope please mark: ATTN: TRISH

All information is kept strictly confidential. The withdrawal will be made once a month around the 11th of the month. Please note this program is for Regular Sunday offerings only, continue to use envelopes from your boxed set, or envelopes provided for any other Special Collections.